Of Fashion, Faith, and Physics
Theoretical physicist Roger Penrose argues against some prominent theories about the universe, calling them fashion, faith, and fantasy.
Charon’s Red Cap, Mapping the Milky Way, and Crafty Crows
Pluto may be the source of the wispy red cap on the north pole of its moon Charon.
Taking a Telepresence Robot for a Spin
Can a robotic avatar let you remotely experience a trip to the zoo?
Can International Diplomacy Help Combat the World’s Superbugs?
The U.N. will meet next week to discuss the growing problem of antibiotic resistance around the world.
A ‘David and Goliath’ Story for Personal Computers
How the “Silicon Cowboys” of Compaq’s early days took on the behemoth IBM with a 28-pound portable computer.
Apps That Turn Your Workout Into a Game
Activity trackers like the Fitbit and the Apple Watch aim to make fitness more fun by incorporating elements of gameplay. But does it work?
How To Make A Golden Record
Two of the creators of the Voyager Golden Record remember how they crafted a message for alien civilizations.
Reaching for a Space Rock, Nanoparticles in the Brain, and a Missing Audio Jack
Journalist Amy Nordrum outlines the week in science, including NASA’s mission to collect a piece of an asteroid.
Is a Seaweed Boom a Boon?
Why more seaweed production could be good for the ocean and people—if done right.
Breakthrough: Hearing A Whole New World
In the first video of our new series, an audiologist describes overcoming her hearing loss. Plus, how new research could expand the aural world for patients with hearing loss.