After Concussion, What Blood Can Reveal About the Brain
A blood test may help athletes gauge concussion recovery, plus new concerns about the risks for CTE.
Eight Years of Science Under Obama: Boom or Bust?
A look at President Obama’s science legacy.
A Trip to a Gadget Nirvana
The annual Consumer Electronics Show opened this week in Las Vegas, with gizmos galore.
Solar Manufacturers Suffer as Panel Prices Drop
The price of solar photovoltaic panels is dropping, and solar manufacturers are being squeezed.
What’s the Best Way to Convince a Climate Change Denier?
More data doesn’t seem to change minds, but focusing on solutions might help.
There’s a Science Advocate in the House (of Representatives)
A conversation with congressman and physicist Bill Foster.
Genetically Modified Parasite Shows Promise for Malaria Vaccine
A new approach to defeating a top killer looks safe, but will it be effective?
Cracking Open How Dinosaurs Hatched
The incubation period for dinosaurs, depending on the species, could have ranged from 3–6 months.
Create Your Own Tractor Beam
It’s not exactly like the one in “Star Wars,” but it’s pretty cool all the same.
Slow Science: A Look at Long-Lived Experiments
A look at a 140-year-old seed viability project and E.coli populations that have evolved for more than 66,000 generations.