Physics Is Untying Your Shoelaces
Researches investigated the forces created by walking that lead to untied shoelaces.
Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Becomes A Top Candidate For Life
The moon’s plumes contain evidence of hydrothermal activity…which on Earth support thriving ecological communities.
How Trump Is Letting Internet Providers Sell Your Data
Plus, why spinach makes the heart grow stronger and the return of the Tasmanian Tiger.
City Noise Could Quiet The Brain For Some
The roar of airplanes and highway traffic hits the ears of 97 percent of Americans. There are negative effects of noise, as well as an unexpected silver lining.
Conveying Science Across Partisan Lines
Michael Mann discusses his participation on the latest House Committee on Science hearing on climate change.
To Build A Wheel That Lasts, Test On Mars
A visit to the playground where Mars rovers are put through their paces.
The Anatomy Of A Splash
One researcher peers deep inside sneezes…coughs…and flushing toilets to answer questions about disease transmission.
Giant Viruses Beefed Up On Host Genomes
Giant viruses evolved from smaller viruses that picked up genes from other organisms according to a new study.
Hoping For A Breakthrough In SETI
The Breakthrough Listen project is devoting millions of dollars to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Controlling The Lyme Disease Epidemic
As incidents of Lyme Disease soar, scientists look for answers.