Keeping Your Habits Private In A Connected World
A new law allows internet service providers to sell your browsing data. What practical tools are there to save some of your privacy?
Bringing Rigor Back To Health Research
Scarce resources and the pressure to publish undermine researchers’ quests for cures. How can we fix these problems?
Can Science Survive In A More Politicized Age?
The March for Science makes history as science and advocacy come together.
Freshwater Quality, Fungus-Farming Ants, And A Shrimp That Kills With Sound
Studies have shown that many lakes and streams are contaminated with human-made chemicals that water treatment facilities don’t remove.
Sensing Steps, And Perhaps Your PIN
The smartphone sensors that allow the device to count your footsteps could also give hackers clues to your access codes.
“The Cherry Pick,” “Credit Snatch” And Other Political Rhetoric That Can Distort Science
Journalist Dave Levitan provides a guide to cut through the deceptive arguments politicians use to undermine scientific evidence.
Reimagining A Martian Mission On A Hawaiian Volcano
In NASA’s BASALT project, a team of engineers simulate challenges astronauts may face during a mission on Mars.
A 14,000 Year-Old Discovery Emerges From Oral History
An older-than-expected archaeological dig in British Columbia is building the case for a long-inhabited Pacific coast.
Tapping Into The Creativity Of Brain Difference
In her new book, psychiatrist Gail Saltz explores the unique abilities of those with mental disorders.
A Water Widget For The World’s Driest Places
A new device collects water vapor in low humidity environments using the power of the sun.