How Andy Weir Engineered A Lunar City In ‘Artemis’
In his new novel, author Andy Weir creates a sprawling moon metropolis—just to see if he could break it apart with lunar felony.
Who Killed The Passenger Pigeon?
Possibly the most abundant bird ever to live, the passenger pigeon was surprisingly low on genetic diversity.
Crows, A Bird That’s Not Bird-Brained
An ode to the brainy antics of the corvid family, from funerals to tool use to human facial recognition.
Could Tweaking The Atmosphere Help Us Fight Climate Change?
A controversial technique for combating climate change has caught the Congress’ eye.
Along The Kelp Highway
Archeologists agree on an early coastal route for ancient humans crossing from Siberia…and it’s not the land bridge. Plus, dog sacrifices in the Bronze Age.
Keeping An Eye On Florida’s Panther Population
A program to capture-and-collar panthers in Florida has been in place for over three decades. Now, it may be ending.
The US Will Be The Only Country Not In The Paris Agreement. Now What?
As the world works together to lower carbon emissions, what role will the United States play in fighting climate change? Plus, how aging satellites threaten polar ice data.
The Secret Life Of Tiny Bees
Some small bees—the size of a grain of rice—drink the sweat and tears of animals.
Should Facebook Have A Seat At The Geopolitical Table?
Large tech companies wield the power of a large country—but without the same regulations.
The Infinitely Surprising Career Of A Mathematician
Three mathematicians talk about the latest topics and their start in math.