A Narwhal’s Slow, Anxious Heart
Skittish narwhals have a strange response to stress. Could it hurt them in the long run?
Invasion Of The Jellyfish
Are the oceans filling with jellyfish? Just ask this giant jellyfish eater.
Microbes In Space! (But They’re Ours)
Researchers sampled the microbiome of the International Space Station. The results were all too familiar.
May Your Holiday Cheer Be Bright (But Not Overloaded)
Tips for keeping your holiday lights safe this season.
The Best Science Books Of 2017
From Oliver Sacks to graphic novels, Maria Popova and Deborah Blum discuss their favorite science books of the year.
Trapping A Proton, The Speed of A Muscle, And Switching Attention
Plus, the latest on the eruption of volcano Mount Agung on the island of Bali.
Bad News Bears For Yeti Hunters
Alleged “Yeti” samples reveal clues about elusive Himalayan and Tibetan brown bears.
How Much Will The House Tax Plan Cost Grad Students?
Two graduate students have developed an online calculator to estimate the effects of the House tax plan.
No Bones About It: Neolithic Women Were Very, Very Strong
Women in prehistoric Central Europe performed enough manual labor that they were likely stronger than modern athletes.
In The South, Examining An HIV Epidemic
In the U.S., 44 percent of people living with HIV reside in the 10 southern states.