In Defense Of Spiders
Two scientists want you to stop worrying and love spiders.
As Legal Pot Proliferates, How Do We Test For Impairment?
Plus, the secret to cows that produce less methane may be genetic.
Can The Latest Wi-Fi Security Bug Be Patched?
Researchers have exposed a bug in WPA2, the standard protocol used to secure all modern Wi-Fi networks.
A Stellar Collision, Ripples In Space-Time, And The Origins Of Gold
Astronomers have detected signals produced by two neutron stars that collided millions of years ago.
The Health Risks That Follow A Wildfire
The recent Northern California wildfires have burned entire neighborhoods—a look at the potential health hazards of the resulting smoke and debris.
What Happens When Your Unconscious Mind Is In Charge
A new book explains how hidden influences affect our behavior and feelings towards others.
Science Goes To The Movies: Blade Runner 2049
Could we build … or grow … replicants in the near future?
Leonardo da Vinci, Master Of Art And Science
Author Walter Isaacson investigates how Leonardo da Vinci combined the arts and sciences to create masterpieces.
Evidence Of Cleaner Air, Hidden In The Drawers Of A Museum
Plus, autumn in the era of climate change and the role fungi play in the gut microbiome.
Could Lowering The P-Value Threshold Benefit Research?
The common statistic used to determine whether findings are statistically significant is being put under the microscope.