In Idaho, A Battle Over Climate In The Classroom
The Idaho legislature is debating how to address human-induced climate change in revised science education standards.
The Reality-Distorting Tools Of The Future
A collection of AI-assisted tools could allow the average person to create videos of anyone saying or doing anything.
‘Cryptojacking’ Could Turn Your Computer Into A Bitcoin Mining Machine
The latest hacking could be used to steal your computer’s CPU power without you knowing it.
The Story Of Aerosols: From Spray Can To Ocean Spray
Aerosols do play a role in climate change, but not the one you might think.
There’s A New Urban Air Polluter On The Block
Volatile organic compounds like wall paints and cleaning agents are becoming our cities’ biggest sources of air pollution.
How UV Light Could Zap The Flu Bug
A type of UV light could be used to disable proteins in the flu virus.
The Physics Of Figure Skating
Those leaps and spins are a physics demonstration in action.
SpaceX Car Launch And A Hot Getaway By Bombardier Beetles
SpaceX successfully launched the Heavy Falcon rocket with two of the three boosters safely landing back onto the launch pad.
The Earth’s Ozone Woes Haven’t Gone Away Yet
While the ozone layer above the poles is on the mend, the health of the layer in middle latitudes is less clear.
Chocolate: Brought To You By Bugs
A menagerie of insects thrive among cacao trees—and that biodiversity might help boost yields.