Much More Than Partridges In Pear Trees
From snowy owls to corn crakes, the Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count turns its gaze toward all our feathered friends flying overhead during the winter migration.
When It Comes To Climate Policy, Money Talks
Major investors are beginning to shift their money away from fossil fuels—and towards green energy.
Urban Life Isn’t A Walk In The Park
Urban air pollution’s health effects may be significant enough to cancel out the health benefits of a brisk walk, according to a recent study.
Dangerous Cell Phone Guidelines, Interstellar “Goo,” Plus Kids And Birthday Parties
New California guidelines muddy the waters on the science of cell phone radiation
A Return To The Moon, An Ancient Bludgeon, And Anesthetized Plants
This week, President Trump signed a directive that would set NASA’s sights on the moon…again.
May Your Days Be Merry, But Less Bright
The spread of efficient LED lighting may be leading to more light use, and brighter nighttime skies.
Steering Toward Greener Transportation
We have electric vehicles. Their popularity is growing. Does this make green transportation inevitable?
The High Energy Cost Of Bitcoin’s Rise
As bitcoin’s price skyrockets, so does its energy use and carbon footprint.
Preventing A ‘Digital Dark Age’
More and more data is born into this world as digital bits, with no analog counterpart. How can we preserve it for future generations?
Searching For Answers To An Age-Old Question
Researchers continue to chip away at the one thing we all have in common—getting older.