Big Corporations Bet On Wind Power in Kansas
Fortune 500 companies are purchasing energy directly from wind projects to resell in hopes of turning a profit.
The Earth’s Core Might Be Younger Than Scientists Thought
The Earth’s inner core was once molten liquid and then solidified. New research suggests that may have happened much more recently than we thought.
The SciFri Book Club Gets Personal
Highlights from your discussion of N.K. Jemisin’s ‘The Fifth Season.’ Plus, how to add your voice to the conversation.
Putting Mosquito-Borne Illnesses On A Diet
New research finds that the same pathways in the brain that control human hunger can shut down a mosquito’s interest in biting you.
Exploring The Grand Canyon, Through Maps
A project aims to collect and organize maps of the iconic park to help tell its geologic and cultural stories.
Why Are We Obsessed With Pushing Buttons?
Rachel Plotnick discusses the development of buttons and what they reveal about our interactions with technology.
What Would You Pay For Faster, Smarter Government Data?
Calculating the financial and ethical cost of storing government data in the cloud.
Yes, It’s Cold. But Also, It’s Warmer
While the polar vortex has the Midwest in a deep freeze, Australia is having a heatwave—and globally, the planet’s warmer than average.
More Desalination, More Problems?
Desalination converts salt water into drinkable water, but there are pros and cons to the process.
Inside The Lava Lab, Burning Questions
A Syracuse University team studies the viscosity and flow of searing-hot lava…from a parking lot.