White House Aims To Counter Climate Science
As the nation’s scientists and military leaders sound the alarm on climate change, the White House is assembling a group of climate change skeptics to counter them.
Blood As White As Snow
How do you breathe with no red blood cells? Scientists take a closer look at genomes to find the secrets of the strange Antarctic icefish.
The Disastrous Days Of April 1986
A new book tells the story of the engineering missteps and operational errors that led to the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.
Wireless Monitoring Gives Parents Greater Access To Newborns In The NICU
Free from wires, parents can experience more skin to skin contact with their babies thanks to a new wireless monitoring device.
Rewriting The Genomic Alphabet
Scientists are creating unnatural base pairs and synthesizing genomes to better understand DNA—and create new medicines and fuels.
A Tantalum Bullet For Asteroid Research
Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft will use a bullet to collect samples from an asteroid and return them to Earth.
California And The Federal Government Clash Over Environmental Rules (Again)
Trump Administration officials have pulled out of talks with California over fuel economy standards for cars.
Why Do Grapes Spark In The Microwave?
The answer involves hotspots, ions, electrons, and plasma. Yes, plasma.
Clearing Up The ‘Art Acne’ On Georgia O’Keeffe’s Paintings
Scientists are working to clean up small dimples on Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings caused by the aging of pigments.
Now Presenting, The Nominees For The Next Space Telescope
Four telescope projects have been nominated to be NASA’s next great observatory. But which will take home the coveted award?