Is America Ready For A Climate Change Candidate?
Presidential candidate Jay Inslee has staked his bid for the White House on fighting climate change. But is that issue enough to get people to the polls?
NASA Is Making Some Big Promises. But Can It Deliver?
NASA’s all-female space walk is cancelled the same week the Trump administration announces a shorter timeline for a manned lunar mission.
A Glacier Grows In Greenland (For Now)
Scientists report cooler Arctic waters have temporarily thickened the ice at the edge of Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland.
One Constant, Two Answers
Astronomers are trying to figure out how fast the universe is expanding. But two approaches are giving different answers.
Was The Flu Near You?
‘Flu Near You’ created a map of this season’s influenza-like illness across the U.S. How did the SciFri community stack up?
Steven Strogatz On The ‘Infinite Powers’ Of Calculus
From gravity to HIV treatments, calculus has helped us understand our universe.
Metaphors, Medicine, And The Poetry Of Science
For National Poetry Month this April, we’re looking at where science waxes poetic.
Hitting The Superbloom Jackpot
It’s like playing a slot machine—three factors have to line up just right.
Snow Surveys Have Gone High-Tech
Tom Painter flies over the Sierra Nevada mountains in a small plane, shooting lasers at the snowpack to discern its depth.
The Results Are In From The Distant Asteroid Ryugu
The first scientific data back from Japan’s Hayabusa2 mission to the asteroid Ryugu indicate that its very rocky and surprisingly dry.