Now Playing: The (Real) Secret Life Of Pets
Researchers are using “catcams” to study the real secret lives of your feline friends.
Outdated Gender Stereotypes Are Harming Science
For half a century, most neuroscience experiments have ignored female study subjects.
What’s Whipping Up The Strong Tornado Season?
Blame the jet stream and climate change. Plus: More stories in this week’s News Roundup.
When A Dominant Herbicide Becomes Less Effective, What Next?
The herbicide glyphosate, found in products such as Roundup, has become a crucial tool on midwestern farms—but weeds are becoming resistant.
All The Single (Salamander) Ladies
Some populations of the mole salamander survive—and thrive without having any males of its own species to reproduce with.
Climate Wars Heat Up In Washington
Republican lawmakers are warming up to talking about climate change, but the Trump administration is striking back.
Former NFL Player Tackles Football And Math
At 26, John Urschel left the NFL to pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics.
Revisiting A Once-Great Scientific Idea
Mainstream physicists once believed light was simply a disturbance of the “luminiferous ether”—before the idea fell from grace.
Spoiler Alert! When Does Food Actually Go Bad?
Puzzled by sell-by dates, freezer burn, and just how long you can eat your food? Don’t be a food failure—you’re not alone.
Under The Sea: Future Factories And A New Volcano
It was a big news week under the sea.