Why Car Companies Set Tougher Emission Standards For Themselves
Four car manufacturers strike a deal with California despite newly lax EPA rules.
What’s Next For The University Of Alaska System?
In the face of major budget cuts, the University of Alaska system takes a step towards consolidation.
Practice Makes Perfect: How Birds Learn To Sing
What do a song bird and a toddler have in common? The way they learn to vocalize.
A Spike In Tree Loss Puts The Amazon Rainforest At Risk
The Amazon Rainforest may soon be classified as a savanna instead of a rainforest, due to accelerating deforestation. What does that mean for the planet?
Is Chemical Sunscreen Safe? Scientists Aren’t Sure
New studies show that sunscreen ingredients can stay in your bloodstream days after you apply it.
Algae, The Mighty Slime Of The Planet
Researchers are tapping into the power of algae for everything from agriculture, alternative fuels, to making cows burp less methane.
The Planned Thirty Meter Telescope On Mauna Kea Raises Ethical Concerns
Native Hawaiian scientists support the pursuit of knowledge—but question the human cost.
Ebola Outbreak Now An International ‘Public Health Emergency’
The Ebola crisis in the D.R.C. is now the second biggest outbreak on record. That, and other science stories in the news this week.
The Data That Makes You Unique
A new study suggests that anyone can be identified by just a few pieces of seemingly harmless data.
Food Failures: The Scoop On Perfecting Your Ice Cream And Frozen Desserts
Icy ice cream? Gooey gelato? Ice cream experts dish on the science behind your favorite frozen desserts.