We Choose To Go To The Moon… But When?
The Trump administration’s goal of getting American boots back on the moon by 2024 may have hit a snag.
Buscando una salida ante el aumento del nivel del mar y crecimiento de ríos
El aumento en inundaciones causado por cambios climáticos obliga a propietarios de vivienda a desalojar. La idea comienza a ser aceptada por algunos.
As Seas Rise And Rivers Flood, Communities Look For A Way Out
Retreating from flooding caused by climate change may seem unappealing. But communities are increasingly embracing the idea.
Saturn’s Moon Count Goes Up, Overtaking The Number Of Jupiter’s Moons
Astronomers found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, edging out Jupiter as the planet with the most moons in the solar system.
Your Questions Answered About California’s Power Shut-Offs
Strong winds could damage power lines and spark deadly wildfires, so utility companies are shutting off power to millions of California residents.
Humans Might Be Able To Regrow Cartilage
Researchers found that the cartilage in our ankles might be able to turnover more easily compared to our hips and knees.
The Decision-Making Puzzle
What observing champion Tetris players can teach researchers about how the brain makes snap decisions.
Should Drug Companies Stop Pursuing Amyloid In Treatments For Alzheimer’s?
A look at some high profile drug failures, and where the industry may be heading next for treatment
How People Pollute The Workplace
When it comes to the air quality in your office, the problem…may be you.
Understanding The Trust (And Distrust) In Science
In her new book, Naomi Oreskes says we should trust science, but not for the reasons you might think.