Checking Science On The Ballot
Presidential candidates aren’t the only ones vying for votes. Here are the science propositions and STEM candidates on your ballot.
Vampire Bats Just Want To Be Friends
They’re creepy and they’re kooky… and also pretty cute. Meet the newest entry to our Charismatic Creature Corner.
Shipping Nuclear Power Out To Sea
A decades-old idea for “floating nuclear power plants” in the U.S. comes around again.
Pushing Boundaries In Fantastical Fiction
In our finale of this fall’s SciFri Book Club, author and editor Nisi Shawl leads a conversation about how science and science fiction can be re-imagined.
Google Is In Legal Trouble
The tech giant faces a lawsuit from the U.S. Justice Department, and early COVID data from New York City public schools are encouraging.
Why COVID Dreams Are Weirder Than Normal
A dream researcher has been collecting dreams since the pandemic began. Here’s what she’s learned.
Can Trauma Today Affect Future Children?
Researchers are studying whether severe stress can have an epigenetic effect, altering how genes are turned on and off in an organism’s offspring.
Even In A Pandemic, Science Class Is In Session
The return to school hasn’t been easy, but STEM educators are finding creative ways to teach science to kids—online and in-person.
Making Peace With The End Of Your Species
The SciFri Book Club reads about a planet where the aliens wear human faces. Plus, what it means to be ‘sentient’ in science fiction.
Should We Stop Paying Attention To Election Forecasts?
We’ve been trying to predict the outcomes of elections for a long time, and that might be a problem.