Besides The Presidential Race, Science Was On The Ballot
Local elections included measures from drug reform to wolf reintroduction.
Key Congressional Races That Could Affect Future Climate Change Legislation
A look at the outcome of some races in areas affected by climate change.
Not So Fast, Murder Hornets
But researchers are worried the honey bee predator may establish a foothold in North America.
This Accessible Pregnancy Test Has Results You Can Touch
For people who are blind or vision-impaired, traditional pregnancy tests can be hard to read. But a new design may help.
Gathering Together (Carefully) For A Pandemic Holiday
There’s no way to have a completely safe in-person gathering this holiday season. But if you’re going to see friends and family, here’s how to do so with the least risk.
How Algae Survived A Mass Extinction
During the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs, one type of algae saved Earth’s oceans from collapse.
What Will The Pandemic Look Like During The Winter?
Now that we’re a year into the pandemic, what have we learned, and how can we plan for next year?
Worried About Fading COVID-19 Antibodies? Not So Fast.
Why a new study is not necessarily bad news for your COVID-19 immune response. Plus the Moon’s moisture, and new successes for livestock ‘super daddies.’
Pennsylvania’s Voters Are Concerned About Climate Change
Despite President Trump’s rhetoric, fracking remains controversial in Pennsylvania.
How To Detect Disinformation And Fake Election News
How do unverified stories and other false claims take hold during the election process? An expert explains.