Nature’s Early Warning Signs For A Bad Wildfire Season
California wildfire researcher Craig Clements explains how landscape and moisture content in plants can give early clues to how smoky a summer might be.
Arctic Wildfires Are Burning An Important Carbon Sink
Fires in the far north may impact forests’ ability to store carbon.
Can Woodchips Help The Gulf Of Mexico’s Dead Zone?
Crop scientists are tackling fertilizer runoff with woodchips, bacteria, and a trench.
Is COVID-19 Herd Immunity Even Possible Anymore?
Between variants and vaccine hesitancy, the U.S. may be a long way from vaccinating our way out of the pandemic.
India Suffering Under A Deadly Second Wave Of COVID-19
Yesterday, India reported nearly 380,000 new COVID-19 cases in just one day. And the number of deaths has reached nearly 4,000.
Ask An Expert: What The Heck Are Microplastics?
We create them, we eat them, we breathe them in. But what effect do microplastics have on our bodies and our planet?
Uncovering Metal Crafts Of The Viking Age
Archaeologists find that metalworkers in the 8th-century Viking trading port of Ribe made quick technological advances in brass production.
An Illustrated Exploration Of Hypothetical Futures
In a new illustrated guide, futurist Rose Eveleth dives into the slippery nature of predicting what might come next.
The Global Pollinating Forces Behind Your Food
When you eat foods grown in another country, you’re benefiting from pollinating insects and animals thousands of miles away.
The Future Of Plastics
How we make—and dispose of—plastics is one of our biggest environmental challenges. Here are some potential solutions.