I Dream Of Octopuses, But Do They Dream About Me?
Sleepy times for these cephalopods are revealing new clues about memory and learning.
The Mental Health Costs Of ‘Everyday’ Racism
The long history anti-Asian racism in the United States, and how discrimination impacts your health.
Rise In Anti-Asian Violence Is At The Intersection Of Racism And Disease
The recent murders of six Asian-American women in Atlanta are not the first time the community has been the victim of racist scapegoating connected to disease.
This Infectious Disease Specialist Is Answering Your COVID-19 Questions On Instagram
In a sea of misinformation, some scientists are debunking myths and providing straight-forward information on social media.
The False Personality Binary
Our understanding of psychology has evolved in the century since Carl Jung coined the term “introvert.”
Under A Mile Of Ice, A Climate Clue
What ancient dirt and vegetation can teach us about the future of climate change.
Decrypting Big Tech’s Data Hoard
Decades into the era of Big Data, researchers are calling for reforms in privacy, predictive algorithms, and more.
The Rainbow Connection—To Physics
Many say that Hawaii is the rainbow capital of the world. What conditions make these multicolored wonders so abundant?
What Next For The Fully Vaccinated?
In the U.S., 95 million vaccine doses have been administered. The CDC put out guidelines for people who are fully vaccinated.
Spinning Glass To See The Stars
How do you make an eight meter-wide mirror? Give it a spin.