Sniffing Out How To Save African Wild Dogs
Conservation biologist Gabi Fleury wants to understand the lives of endangered predators—in order to save their lives.
See A Spotted Lanternfly? Squash It!
The invasive and damaging pest has carved out a foothold on the East Coast—and experts worry it could spread.
Listening To Seashells, An Oracle Of Ocean Health
As climate change brings warming seas and acidifying waters, seashells have become a harbinger of environmental change.
Writing, Like Geology, Requires A Little Digging
The New Yorker writer explains his reporting process, and what he learned reporting his saga on North American geology.
The Alarming Impacts Of Extreme Heat
After record-breaking temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, how does human health, infrastructure, and air travel respond to extreme heat?
How Edgar Allan Poe Exposed Scientific Hoaxes—And Perpetrated Them
Despite his heartbreak, the famous poet was dedicated to exploring scientific developments—and their dangers.
Recalling The Life Of Benjamin Franklin, Scientist
The polymath Founding Father’s experiments extended way beyond a key and a kite.
The Science Of Your Summer Vegetable Garden
Troubled by the look of your tomato plants? Curious about your cucumber beetles? Our Garden Hotline has some tips.
How Alarmed Should You Be About The Delta Variant?
Virologist Angela Rasmussen on the World Health Organization’s new advice to mask up (again), and good news about vaccine efficacy.
The Long Tail Of Long COVID
Plus, more details on the highly transmissible delta COVID-19 variant and what happens when a spider eats a snake.