Squirrel-Nut Economics And Other Agility Tricks
Researchers are learning about memory, learning, and economics from our bushy-tailed neighbors.
As Wildfire Intensity Rises, So Does The Human Toll Of Blazes
Wildfire season in the West is now year-long, thanks to climate change. Listen to residents and rescuers as they grapple with the new normal.
What Will We Reap Without Topsoil?
Soil erosion continues at record pace around the world. Soil scientist Jo Handelman explains the good news: The solutions are simple and well-understood.
Activists And Vulnerable Nations At COP26 Seek More Than Promises
Action on climate change is slower than many activists would like. And why payment for “loss and damage” is crucial for vulnerable nations.
Donate To Science Friday For Our 30th Anniversary!
Science Friday is back in the studio! Celebrate our return to live broadcast today with a donation.
Behind The FDA’s Decision To Vaccinate Kids Under 12
No severe adverse effects were found in the study vaccinating younger kids against COVID-19 with Pfizer’s shot, according to the FDA.
What’s Next For Kansas After 20 Years Of Wind Power?
After two decades, wind farms in Kansas take stock of how the state has changed—and what challenges lie ahead.
Fact Check My Feed: More Kids Can Get COVID-19 Vaccines. Now What?
Pfizer’s vaccine is now approved for kids aged 5 to 11. Plus, which adults need which booster, and preparing for another pandemic holiday season.
The Science Friday Theme Song That Got Lost In The Mail
23 years ago, Ira dared Steve Allen, the first host of The Tonight Show, to write a Science Friday a theme song. Allen obliged—so why didn’t it make it on the show?
In First Real-World Experiment, Red Seaweed Cuts Methane In Cows By More Than Half
Researchers fed a working dairy’s cows red algae. It had a stunning impact.