How A Former Microsoft Exec Mastered The Perfect Slice—Using Science
Nathan Mhyrvold, author of “Modernist Pizza,” made over 12,000 pies to investigate the physics and chemistry of the perfect slice.
E.O. Wilson’s Indelible Mark On Ecology
Reflecting on the late naturalist’s extensive legacy.
The Fossil—And Family—Records Of Richard Leakey
A leading authority on paleoanthropology, Richard Leakey leaves behind an expansive body of work on human evolution.
Omicron May Be Less Severe. It’s Still A Big Healthcare Problem.
A breakdown of what to consider when talking about severity.
Glitter Gets An Eco-Friendly Glimmer
Chemists have developed a new way to make eco-friendly glitter from plant fibers.
Chilling Out With Unusual Ice
From pancake to frazil ice, an oceanographer shares insights into the Earth’s poles.
The Curious Case Of The Unmeltable Ice Cube
A non-melting ‘jelly ice’ cube could improve packaging and cold storage.
Francis Collins, Longest-Running NIH Director, To Step Down
An acclaimed geneticist who helped map the human genome, Dr. Francis Collins reflects on his long tenure at the NIH.
The Best Science Books Of 2021
Whether you’re spending down a holiday gift certificate or heading out to the library for winter page-turners, we’ve got you covered.
The Resurrection Of The American Chestnut
A once-common food staple, this giant tree has essentially disappeared from American forests. Can we bring it back—and should we?