The World According To Sound: How Do Songbirds Sing Two Notes At Once?
Listen to the many non-vocal sounds that birds use to communicate.
Phasing Out “Problematic” Plastics
Companies pledge to stop making hard-to-recycle materials—like straws, cutlery, and stirrers—as early as 2025.
The Science Of Slip Versus Stick
The answer to why some things are sticky and some things are slippery comes down to the science of surfaces.
How Long Will California’s Butterfly Boom Last?
Western monarch populations have rebounded exponentially from a terrifyingly low 2,000 in 2020. But will the good times last?
Why Should You Donate Your Brain To Science?
Despite advances in non-invasive imaging, brain donations are still the gold standard in neuroscience research.
Space-X Booster To Hit The Moon, After Years Of Hurtling Through Space
This may be the first time space junk will collide with the moon.
A Race To Save Florida’s Manatees
This charismatic mammal had its worst year on record in 2021. Scientists are scrambling to reverse manatees’ bad fortune.
It’s A Bird. It’s A Plane. It’s An Astronomical Photo Bomb.
Internet satellites are interfering with astronomical research—and the problem is only getting worse.
Webb Telescope Arrives To Its Final Home In Deep Space
After weeks of travel, the James Webb Space Telescope moved into its final orbit this week. Here’s what’s next for the historic observatory.
Understanding The Cannabis-Body Connection With Exercise
The first human study on how cannabis affects exercise sheds light on the body’s endocannabinoid system.