Can Mass Transit Solve City Sprawl?
29:07 minutes
Commuters in Los Angeles spend some 60 hours a year stuck in traffic. But that could change, some experts say, as the city ramps up its mass transit. Guest host John Dankosky talks with a panel of city planners about how to add mass transit to L.A. and other urban areas—and get people to ride it.
Yonah Freemark is an associate at the Metropolitan Planning Council and writer on the Transport Politic blog in Chicago, Illinois.
Stefanos Polyzoides is a founding member of the Congress for the New Urbanism and architect at Moule & Polyzoides in Pasadena, California.
Ian Carlton is a doctoral candidate in city and regional planning at U.C. Berkeley; expert consultant for Mayor Villaraigosa’s Transit-Oriented Development Cabinet; and author on a report on L.A.’s mass transit strategies based in Berkeley, California.
Christopher Intagliata was Science Friday’s senior producer. He once served as a prop in an optical illusion and speaks passable Ira Flatowese.