Hack Your Brain Kick-Off With Science Friday
Discover the power of your brain with livestream Q&As, trivia, puzzles, and more with SciFri’s Hack Your Brain!
Lights On Afterschool With Science Friday
Join Science Friday as we shine a light on the need for high-quality, hands-on afterschool STEM programs for all children.
Mission Tech Force: Robots For A Sustainable Future
Tackle a hands-on critical-thinking team challenge, then discover how robots from space can solve Earth’s problems.
Mission Rehydrate: Water For A Thirsty Planet
Discover how astronauts recycle water on the ISS, then build and test your own filter to address real-world environmental issues.
Mission Sensor Watch: Cool Your Community
Investigate climate science using ECOSTRESS imagery from the ISS. Then, hunt for heat islands and design solutions to cool your community.
Mission Stellar Health: Train Like An Astronaut
Discover how astronauts exercise to stay fit in space. Then use engineering design to create innovative health solutions for Earth.
Make Ancient Ink With The Help Of Oak Tree Parasites
Bring history to life through biology and chemistry as you make iron oak gall ink like Leonardo da Vinci did.
Plan An Ink-Credible STEAM Adventure
Celebrate cephalopods anytime with fun party tips, mind-blowing videos, book suggestions for all ages, and exciting STEAM activities.
Investigate How Sunlight Affects Your Favorite Plastic Toys
Learn how UV light from the sun degrades plastic over time and discover ways to protect toys from discoloration and damage.
A Robot’s Story: Teaching Clipbot About The Human Brain
Embark on a journey with a young scientist and their curious robot as they explore the brain through exciting challenges and puzzles.