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March 28, 2025
Mental health information on social media can be both revelatory and misleading. How do clinicians and their patients make sense of it? Plus, when a Chicago-size iceberg broke off of Antarctica, scientists studied the life and geologic formations hidden below. And, a music therapist reveals the best kinds of music to soothe a baby.
What Does An Animal’s Size Have To Do With Its Cancer Risk?
A study finds that Peto’s Paradox, which states that larger animals are no more likely to get cancer than smaller ones, may not hold up.
Meet Bastetodon, A 30 Million-Year-Old Apex Predator
A nearly complete skull of the creature was found in the Egyptian desert. Its lineage indicates that it was a top carnivore of the age.
You’ve Heard Of The Microbiome—Welcome To The Mycobiome
Though fungi make up a tiny part of the human microbiome, they play an important role in both the prevention and development of many diseases.
The Effort To Save Thousands Of Donor Kidneys From Being Wasted
Last year, 9,000 deceased donor kidneys were discarded due to storage and time limitations. A kidney “life support” machine could change that.
Ocean Liner SS United States Will Become An Artificial Reef
The ship will join Florida’s 4,300 artificial reefs—human-made places for fish and other marine life to live. How do these reefs work?
Where Does Plastic And Other Trash Go After We Throw It Away?
A journalist traveled to five continents to learn about the afterlife of our trash, and why most “recyclable” plastic actually isn’t.
Royal Tomb Of Egyptian King Thutmose II Unearthed
Finding the original tomb of the royal is one of the most significant developments in Egyptian archeology in recent history.
A Vaccine For Pancreatic Cancer Continues To Show Promise
In a small trial, nearly half of pancreatic cancer patients who received an mRNA vaccine for the disease had no relapse three years later.
In Search Of The Best Tail For Balance
The bone and joint structures in mammal tails help them keep their balance. Could those benefits be adapted for robots?
Why Are Flu And Other Viral Infection Rates So High This Year?
Flu infections are the highest they’ve been in nearly 30 years, and flu deaths this winter have surpassed COVID deaths. What’s going on?