Listen to Science Friday live on Fridays from 2-4 p.m. ET
February 28, 2025
A federal DEI ban is already prompting changes across science agencies. How will it affect medical research? A journalist traveled to five continents to learn about the afterlife of our trash, and why most “recyclable” plastic actually isn’t. And, the ocean liner SS United States will become an artificial reef in Florida. How do artificial reefs work?
The Black Engineers Who Opened Up The Computer Revolution
African American software engineers and entrepreneurs at the forefront of the development of the World Wide Web.
Mucus: It’s Snot What You Think
Mucus gets a bad rap for its “ick” factor, but this slimy substance supports all kinds of life on our planet.
Las vidas enredadas de tus vecinas las arañas
Desde la construcción de telarañas hasta cómo desafían la física con sus catapultas de seda, las arañas guardan muchos secretos. Conoce a los científicos tratando de descubrirlos
The Tangled Lives Of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider
From web weaving to silk-slinging physics, spiders are full of secrets. Meet the scientists trying to unwind them.
As U.S. Drags On Climate Action, Mayors Take The Lead
Mayors from 435 U.S. cities have signed on to follow the Paris Climate Agreement.
How ‘Proactive Policing’ Might Impact Health
There is some evidence to suggest that proactive policing tactics, which include “stop-and-frisk” and “hot spots” policing, are effective in reducing crime, but at what cost?
Digging Into Ancient Clam Aquaculture
What the clam gardens of Indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest can teach us about sustainable aquaculture
We Choose To Go To The Moon… But When?
The Trump administration’s goal of getting American boots back on the moon by 2024 may have hit a snag.
Buscando una salida ante el aumento del nivel del mar y crecimiento de ríos
El aumento en inundaciones causado por cambios climáticos obliga a propietarios de vivienda a desalojar. La idea comienza a ser aceptada por algunos.
As Seas Rise And Rivers Flood, Communities Look For A Way Out
Retreating from flooding caused by climate change may seem unappealing. But communities are increasingly embracing the idea.