Listen to Science Friday live on Fridays from 2-4 p.m. ET
February 28, 2025
A federal DEI ban is already prompting changes across science agencies. How will it affect medical research? A journalist traveled to five continents to learn about the afterlife of our trash, and why most “recyclable” plastic actually isn’t. And, the ocean liner SS United States will become an artificial reef in Florida. How do artificial reefs work?
Calling Out Racism In The Scientific Community
Plus, some companies are stepping back from facial recognition tech.
The Police’s Impact On Public Health
Researchers are investigating the physical and mental health impacts of stop-question-and-frisk policing.
Being Social Takes ‘Good Chemistry’
A psychiatrist explains the mental health impacts of social distancing.
Anthony Fauci Explains How To Make It Through His ‘Worst Nightmare’
‘America’s Doctor’ provides public health lessons from the AIDS epidemic, and strategies to make it out of the COVID-19 crisis.
Research Shows Peaceful Protest Depends On Police Behavior
Fifty years of research suggests police behavior makes the biggest difference in how safe protests are for everyone. Plus, how tear gas ups COVID-19 risk.
Using Chemistry To Get The Perfect Cup Of Coffee
How understanding water flow, particle size distribution, and water chemistry can help you brew the perfect cup of coffee.
‘Radical’ Explores The Hidden History Of Breast Cancer
Did you know the ubiquitous pink ribbons were almost peach-colored? Or that the DOD has spent three billion dollars on breast cancer research?
With Butterfly Wings, There’s More Than Meets The Eye
New research suggests living cells on the butterfly wing help it regulate temperature.
The Doctor Treating Skin Of Color
Dermatologists look for problems that are literally skin deep. That can be complicated when your skin is darker.
Research For Masks That Deactivate Coronavirus Receive NSF Funding
Plus, understanding false negative results in COVID-19 tests and the sounds of elusive narwhals, captured on tape.