Svea Anderson was a public school educator with over twenty years of experience.
After finishing college in Northern California, Svea attended Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire. As part of her Master’s program, Svea lived and taught in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, South India. One evening, while out walking at sunset, enjoying the flying foxes taking flight, Svea saw her students huddled under the one street light in the rural village, doing their homework. This experience shaped her educational pedagogy and how she would teach for her entire career.
Svea is a lifelong learner and always looking for experiences to bring back to the classroom. In 2018 she was selected as a PolarTREC educator and spent a month helping a researcher conduct ecological research at a field site in the high Arctic. In 2019, as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow, Svea circumnavigated Newfoundland, conducting plastic drags and learning about the collapse of the cod industry. Also in 2019, Svea was awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematical and Science Teaching for elementary school teachers. Most recently, Svea was selected as an Albert Einstein Fellow and spent the 2021-22 year in Washington, DC, working at the Department of Homeland Security in their cybersecurity branch, CISA, where she worked on STEM policies and procedures. Currently Svea supports the Air Force Office of Scientific Research as a contracted STEM Education Specialist, with a focus on K12 student STEM outreach.
Svea’s mission is for every child to see themselves in STEM.
Svea was part of the sixth cohort of Science Friday Educator Collaborators and has been working with Science Friday Educate since 2021.
Descubre cómo tu cerebro fomenta la memoria muscular
Descubre cómo tu cerebro te ayuda a mover tu cuerpo y descubre cómo puedes ejercitar tu memoria muscular.
Entrena tu cerebro a manejar el estrés
Con unas pocas y sencillas técnicas, puedes poner al estrés en buen uso y reducir sus efectos perjudiciales.
Impulsa tu memoria y aprendizaje con la ciencia de dormir
Descubre cómo tener suficiente sueño de calidad es esencial para transformar el nuevo conocimiento en recuerdos duraderos.
Piensa como una ardilla: la experta de memoria espacial de la naturaleza
Descubre cómo observar las notables habilidades de los animales puede enseñarte acerca de la memoria espacial y la increíble adaptabilidad del cerebro.
Hackea tu cerebro para incrementar el enfoque y la atención
Explora las técnicas de mindfulness agudizarán tu concentración, aumentarán tus periodos de atención y mejorarán tu habilidad para concentrarte.
Recompensas y neurotransmisores: cómo los juegos afectan tu cerebro
Descubre las maneras en las que el sistema de recompensa de juegos, rompecabezas y salas de escape pueden alentar comportamientos positivos o negativos.
Use Clues From Rapid Evolution To Design Better Fish Gills
Discover why and how fish are evolving rapidly in remote mountain lakes. Then use what you learn for an engineering challenge.
What Makes A Superbloom So Super?
A super bloom a desert phenomenon where massive amounts of wildflowers bloom at exactly the same time. How is it possible?