Since 2001, www.ScienceBuddies.org has been engaging young people in science and engineering. Every year our website helps millions of K-12 students create hands-on science and engineering projects of outstanding quality, interact with real-life science and engineering role models, compete in their local science fairs, and ultimately become inspired to pursue further education in science and technology.
How Fireworks Get Their Colors
In this activity from Science Buddies, you will burn some metal salts to investigate what colors they make, then you’ll explain to your family and friends how fireworks colors are made!
Physics Secrets for Hula Hooping
In this activity from Science Buddies, kids will create their own hula hoops and investigate how the hoops’ masses affect how they spin. Which do you think will spin better, a heavy hoop or a lighter one?
How Tails Help a Kite to Fly
In this activity from Science Buddies, you will experiment with how a kite’s tail affects how it flies.
Have A Cricket Tell You The Temperature!
Investigate why crickets chirp. Then, using observations and math, learn how these insects can help you determine the temperature!