Rasha Aridi is a producer for Science Friday. She loves stories about weird critters, science adventures, and the intersection of science and history.
While studying wildlife conservation at Virginia Tech, Rasha realized that she had way more fun talking about science than actually doing it. She then pivoted into journalism and has since written for outlets like Science, Smithsonian, and The Guardian. Before coming to SciFri, she worked for NPR’s Short Wave and Science Vs from Gimlet Media.
When Rasha isn’t nerding out about science, you can find her on an outdoorsy adventure, reading, or trying (and failing) to leash train her cat. Rasha is the inaugural Outrider/Burroughs Wellcome Fund Fellow.
Different Bird Species May Team Up For Migration
Research indicates songbird species might intentionally travel together during migration, giving each other a possible boost in survival.
Extreme Heat Is Making Learning—And Teaching—More Difficult
As the climate changes and summer temperatures linger, educators are increasingly worried about keeping kids safe from heat exhaustion.
Asteroid That Killed The Dinosaurs Was A Carbon-Rich Rock
A new study suggests that the giant dino-killing rock may have originated from the outer parts of the solar system.
Webb Telescope Data Point To Six ‘Rogue Worlds’
Rogue worlds float around in the cosmos, untethered to a specific star. They could help scientists understand the formation of the Milky Way.
The History Of Teeth, From Ancient Fish To Humans
In “Bite,” author Bill Schutt takes readers on a dental adventure spanning half a billion years and much of the animal kingdom.
Scientists Find Strong Evidence For Liquid Water On Mars
Data from the Mars InSight lander points to the presence of liquid water underneath its crust.
Why Does COVID-19 Spike In Summer?
This is the fourth summer the U.S. has seen a COVID-19 surge. And no, it’s not a coincidence.
If You Rolled Colorado Out Into A Brownie, How Big Would It Be?
Science suggests it would be very, very large. And still, somehow, probably larger than you think.
From Farm To Fridge: The Science And History Of Refrigeration
In her book ‘Frostbite,’ Nicola Twilley examines how refrigeration changed the world and spoiled us—and our food.
The Tornado Science Of ‘Twisters’ And A Real Life ‘Dune’ Stillsuit
A meteorologist decodes the tornado science in the new ‘Twisters’ sequel, and researchers made a spacesuit inspired by the one from ‘Dune.’