Rachel Rayner is the Education Coordinator at the Discovery Science and Technology Centre, Bendigo, Victoria (Australia), where she designs educational resources, activities, workshops, shows and events for students and teachers. She has spent over four years in science communication, including working at Questacon – the National Science and Technology Centre in a variety of roles from exhibition design to producing virtual excursions via video conferencing technology. She has also traveled Australia and Vietnam presenting exhibitions, shows and workshops. Her passion is to inspire others to investigate the world around them, ask questions, imagine new possibilities, and become aware of the amazing work happening in science every day!
Rachel has a keen interest in combining science and art, influenced by her Bachelor of Liberal Arts from the University of Sydney, where she majored in Physics and Art History and Theory. She carried this focus as part of the Shell Questacon Science Circus, a Graduate Diploma in Science Communication from the Australian National University.
High Pressure in the Deep Ocean
Pressure is a huge challenge for deep ocean explorers. Learn how pressure changes with depth and explore its effects on compressible solids in this series of experiments, demonstrations, and real-life data collected aboard the E/V Nautilus.