Kim Stanley Robinson is a New York Times bestseller and winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards. He is the author of more than 20 books, including New York 2140 and The Ministry for the Future. He lives in Davis, California.
‘The Ministry for the Future’ Imagines A Dark But Hopeful Future
In a novel described as optimistic and alarming, Kim Stanley Robinson writes for our endangered—but not ultimately doomed—world.
Making It in a Futuristic, Flooded New York
Author Kim Stanley Robinson imagines a version of New York City that’s swamped by sea level rise.
Kim Stanley Robinson Tackles How to Keep a Drowning City Afloat
In his new novel, “New York 2140,” author Kim Stanley Robinson tackles how a drowning city might adapt and thrive after disastrous sea level rise.
Golden Record 2.0
We review the sounds, images, and videos our listeners chose to represent our world.
A Sci-Fi Writer Keeps His Eye on ‘Spaceship Earth’
In his new novel, “Aurora,” sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson puts the dream of interstellar colonization under the microscope.
The SciFri Book Club Talks ‘Dune’
The SciFri Book Club concludes its discussion of Frank Herbert’s ecological epic, “Dune.”
The SciFri Book Club Introduces Dune
Sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson and astrobiologist Sara Imari Walker introduce the SciFri Book Club’s summer selection: “Dune”.