Kathleen Davis is a producer and fill-in host at Science Friday, which means she spends her weeks researching, writing, editing, and sometimes talking into a microphone. She heads the show’s State of Science project, bringing local science stories to a national audience.
Before joining the Science Friday team in 2020, Kathleen reported on tech and breaking news at WESA, Pittsburgh’s NPR station. One time, her coworkers made her a dinosaur themed birthday cake, complete with a Rice Krispy meteor.
Kathleen is originally from the great state of Michigan, and is always eager to talk about freshwater lakes and Coney Island diners. She can often be found taking long walks to run errands that would be done much faster by other modes of transportation.
These Flowers Bounce Back
Some flowers can straighten themselves out after being squished.
Tribes Face COVID-19 With Limited Test Kits, Remote Staff, Lost Revenue
Michigan’s tribal governments are running into their own problems with COVID-19.
With Low Supplies, DIY Medical Gear Is On The Rise
Due to shortages of crucial supplies, healthcare workers ask volunteers to make medical masks.
Rethinking Invasive Species With Pablo Escobar’s Hippos
Colombia’s non-native hippo population is ballooning. New research says that might not be a bad thing.
What Can Vampire Bats Teach Us About Socializing In A Pandemic?
Illness changes how these small mammals interact. An expert says it’s not so different from how people are socializing amidst the coronavirus.