Kathleen Davis is a producer and fill-in host at Science Friday, which means she spends her weeks researching, writing, editing, and sometimes talking into a microphone. She heads the show’s State of Science project, bringing local science stories to a national audience.
Before joining the Science Friday team in 2020, Kathleen reported on tech and breaking news at WESA, Pittsburgh’s NPR station. One time, her coworkers made her a dinosaur themed birthday cake, complete with a Rice Krispy meteor.
Kathleen is originally from the great state of Michigan, and is always eager to talk about freshwater lakes and Coney Island diners. She can often be found taking long walks to run errands that would be done much faster by other modes of transportation.
What Is The Future Of Meat?
These scientists are devoting their careers to a future where meat comes from plants, or even cells grown in a lab.
What Our Climate Can Look Like Under Biden
Joe Biden has a sprawling plan to combat climate change. But if Republicans control the Senate, how much will he be able to accomplish?
The Election Shows Americans Are Rethinking The War On Drugs
Both red and blue states approved drug reform in last week’s election.
Not So Fast, Murder Hornets
But researchers are worried the honey bee predator may establish a foothold in North America.
This Accessible Pregnancy Test Has Results You Can Touch
For people who are blind or vision-impaired, traditional pregnancy tests can be hard to read. But a new design may help.
Pennsylvania’s Voters Are Concerned About Climate Change
Despite President Trump’s rhetoric, fracking remains controversial in Pennsylvania.
Vampire Bats Just Want To Be Friends
They’re creepy and they’re kooky… and also pretty cute. Meet the newest entry to our Charismatic Creature Corner.
Google Is In Legal Trouble
The tech giant faces a lawsuit from the U.S. Justice Department, and early COVID data from New York City public schools are encouraging.
Why COVID Dreams Are Weirder Than Normal
A dream researcher has been collecting dreams since the pandemic began. Here’s what she’s learned.
Making Peace With The End Of Your Species
The SciFri Book Club reads about a planet where the aliens wear human faces. Plus, what it means to be ‘sentient’ in science fiction.