Kathleen Davis is a producer and fill-in host at Science Friday, which means she spends her weeks researching, writing, editing, and sometimes talking into a microphone. She heads the show’s State of Science project, bringing local science stories to a national audience.
Before joining the Science Friday team in 2020, Kathleen reported on tech and breaking news at WESA, Pittsburgh’s NPR station. One time, her coworkers made her a dinosaur themed birthday cake, complete with a Rice Krispy meteor.
Kathleen is originally from the great state of Michigan, and is always eager to talk about freshwater lakes and Coney Island diners. She can often be found taking long walks to run errands that would be done much faster by other modes of transportation.
What Happens To Your Body When You’re Grieving
In a new book, Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor explores the ways grief affects the body, from the heart to the immune system.
How Lucy, Our Famous Ancestor, Runs On A Virtual Treadmill
Scientists determined that Lucy, a human ancestor from 3.2 million years ago, couldn’t have beaten modern humans in a foot race.
Managing Wildfires Using A Centuries-Old Indigenous Practice
The Karuk Tribe in Northern California has stewarded its home using prescribed burns for millennia. Now, they’re training others on the skill.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder Through The Genome
New research pinpoints 298 parts of the genome associated with higher risk of bipolar disorder. This could lead to better treatments.
Can Paxlovid Relieve Long COVID Symptoms? For Some, Yes
Research on long COVID patients who took an extended course of Paxlovid shows mixed results.
As Cervical Cancer Deaths Plummet, Experts Credit HPV Vaccine
HPV can cause a variety of cancers, including cervical. New mortality data for women under 25 point to the success of the HPV vaccine.
This January, See A ‘Planet Parade’ In The Night Sky
Astronomer Dean Regas gives us the lowdown on what to look for in the night sky this winter, from a “planet parade” to the ATLAS comet.
Los Angeles Wildfires Burn For Days, Stoked By Santa Ana Winds
Several different fires are causing extreme damage in the Los Angeles area. Strong Santa Ana winds are one factor behind their rapid spread.
The Breakthrough Technologies To Watch In 2025
Unsurprisingly, artificial intelligence is still poised to be a major driver of technological change this year.
The Science That Captivated SciFri’s Reporters In 2024
Two SciFri producers discuss the year’s most intriguing stories, from new weight-loss drugs to PFAS chemicals to the ManhattAnt.