Kathleen Davis is a producer and fill-in host at Science Friday, which means she spends her weeks researching, writing, editing, and sometimes talking into a microphone. She heads the show’s State of Science project, bringing local science stories to a national audience.
Before joining the Science Friday team in 2020, Kathleen reported on tech and breaking news at WESA, Pittsburgh’s NPR station. One time, her coworkers made her a dinosaur themed birthday cake, complete with a Rice Krispy meteor.
Kathleen is originally from the great state of Michigan, and is always eager to talk about freshwater lakes and Coney Island diners. She can often be found taking long walks to run errands that would be done much faster by other modes of transportation.
The Art And Science Of Trash Talk
Author Rafi Kohan explains the psychological and physiological responses to trash talk, ahead of Super Bowl Sunday.
A Black Physician’s Analysis Of The Legacy Of Racism In Medicine
In a new book, Dr. Uché Blackstock reflects on her experiences as a Black physician and the structural racism embedded in medicine.
Syphilis Cases Are Up 80% Since 2018
There has been a boom of syphilis cases, including a 180% increase in congenital syphilis cases, despite other STI levels staying stable.
In This Computer Component, Data Slides Through Honey
Honey could be the secret ingredient in building a more eco-friendly “memristor,” which transmits data through malleable pathways.
‘Mysterious’ Canine Illness: What Dog Owners Should Know
Veterinary experts discuss what is known about the potential respiratory pathogen—or pathogens—and which dogs are most at risk.
Using AI To Help Find Ancient Artifacts In The Great Lakes
Researchers in Michigan modeled a prehistoric land bridge and used AI to predict where caribou–and humans–might have traveled along it.
Top Technologies To Watch In 2024
Weight-loss drugs, AI, clean-energy tech and more: digging into MIT Technology Review’s annual list with executive editor Amy Nordrum.
To Get Ready For Mars, NASA Studies How The Body Changes In Space
Spending time in space affects everything from eyesight to bone health. NASA’s CIPHER program will measure these changes and more.
Orchids, Snails, And Wolves: The Ongoing Benefit Of The Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act established protections for plant and animal species at risk of extinction. It’s still working 50 years later.
Music’s Emotional Power Can Shape Memories—And Your Perception Of Time
Researchers used music to elicit different emotions, then looked at how shifts in emotion influenced participants’ memory formation.