Flora Lichtman was the host of the podcast Every Little Thing. She’s a former Science Friday multimedia producer.
Oliver Sacks and ‘The Mind’s Eye’
Neurologist Oliver Sacks talks with Ira about vision, the brain, and how the two can work together—or can work against each other.
Physics Of Giant Pumpkins
Pumpkins of the Atlantic giant variety can weigh more than 1,800 pounds.
The Secretly Speedy Life Of Plants
Plants have a reputation for staying put. But some plants are moving so quickly, we can’t see their motions.
Tiny Dancers Show Rhythm’s Roots
In perhaps the cutest study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, psychologist Marcel Zentner and Tuomas Eerola found that babies will spontaneously boogie.
The Mystery Of The Celibate Rotifer
Bdelloid rotifers haven’t had sex for at least thirty million years and that’s puzzling.
High Schoolers Give Hot Dog A DNA Test
Brenda Tan and Matthew Cost, high school seniors from Trinity School in New York City, used a technique called DNA barcoding to find out what species were present in over 200 animal products.
Snowflake Safari
Next snowstorm, grab a magnifying glass and try snowflake hunting.
The Cheese Chronicles
Author and cheese expert Liz Thorpe explains the science of cheesemaking.
Moths Can Escape Bats By Jamming Sonar
For over 50 million years, bats and moths have been engaged in an evolutionary arms race: bats evolving new tricks to catch moths, and moths developing counter-measures to escape bats.