David Hu is a mathematician and a professor in the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biology at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia.
The ‘Wet-Dog Shake’ And Other Physics Mysteries
In his book “How to Walk on Water and Climb Up Walls,” David Hu explores the wonders of the animal world.
The ‘Wet-Dog Shake’ And Other Physics Mysteries
In his book ‘How to Walk on Water and Climb Up Walls,’ David Hu explores the wonders of the animal world.
Why Your Dog Is More Efficient Than A Laundry Machine
In this excerpt from ‘How to Walk on Water and Climb Up Walls,’ David Hu explains why the wet-dog shake is so efficient.
Ants Exhibit Towering Engineering Skills
Ants are known for their elaborate underground tunnels and caverns. But ants also build tall, Eiffel Tower-like columns—with their own bodies
The Perfect Cheese Pairing? Science
Cheese is the subject of a special SciFri investigation this week and next, including tales of the “maestro of mozzarella” and the aging tricks of a Wisconsin cheddarmaker.
Microscopic Hairs Keep Some Critters Clean
Studying the hair tricks of the insect world might lead researchers to better self-cleaning materials, like solar panels that dust themselves.