As Science Friday’s director and senior producer, Charles Bergquist channels the chaos of a live production studio into something sounding like a radio program. He coordinates in-studio activities each week from 1-4. And then collapses. He also produces pieces for the radio show. His favorite topics involve planetary sciences, chemistry, materials, and shiny things with blinking lights.
Charles has been at Science Friday longer than anyone on staff except Ira, and so serves as a repository of sometimes useful, sometimes useless knowledge about the program. He remembers the time an audience member decided to recite a love poem during a live remote broadcast, the time the whole staff went for ice cream at midnight in Fairbanks, Alaska, and the name of that guy Ira is trying to remember from a few years back who did something with space.
He hails from southeastern Pennsylvania and worked for a while as a demonstrator at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia’s science museum (favorite devices: Maillardet’s Automaton, the stream table, the Chladni plates). He has a degree in chemistry from the University of Delaware, home of the Fighting Blue Hens, and a master’s in journalism from New York University’s Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program. However, he attended the program prior to the addition of ‘Health’ to its name, which may explain his slight unease when covering medical topics.
Outside the walls of Science Friday, he enjoys backpacking, camping, cooking not-entirely-healthy things, reading escapist fiction, and trying to unravel his children’s complicated stories.
Studying Rocks Found on Earth for Clues About Space
We’ll take a tour of the Center for Meteorite Studies, and learn how meteorites can teach us about the history of the solar system.
For Babies, It’s Better to Like What I Like
How green beans, graham crackers, and puppets can give insight into the development of moral behavior.
Project Seeks to Bring Extinct Species Back to Life
Michael Archer, leader of the “Lazarus Project,” describes early efforts to bring a frog species back from extinction.
Mapping the Effects of the Sequester on Science
Research and development face across-the-board federal budget cuts.
A Natural Particle Accelerator, Far Above the Planet
Closer study of the Van Allen radiation belts above Earth is providing new questions for science.
Automakers Drive Towards Hydrogen Cars
Carmakers are teaming up to develop fuel cell cars. Is the time right for the technology?
Tracking Privacy and Ownership in an Online World
How much of your personal data is really yours to control?
Researchers Point to the Demise of the Dinosaurs
Scientists are working to refine the dates for an ancient cosmic collision.
Researchers Dig In to the Genetics of Burrowing
Complex behaviors, such as the way some mice dig burrows, can be affected by changes to just a handful of genes.