Becky Fogel is a newscast host and producer at Texas Standard, a daily news show broadcast by KUT in Austin, Texas. She was formerly Science Friday’s production assistant.
Can Marijuana Help or Hurt Adolescent Health?
A roundtable of scientists discuss ongoing research on the effects and potential applications of marijuana for adolescents in the United States.
Why Do Cyclists Break the Rules?
A survey of 18,000 cyclists seeks to understand why some are more likely to follow traffic rules than others.
A 40,000-Year-Old Jawbone Reveals Neanderthal Ancestry
Scientists find evidence of a modern human with a recent Neanderthal ancestor in Romania.
Food Failures: I Scream, You Scream…When We Ruin Our Ice Cream
Jeff Potter, author of “Cooking for Geeks” returns to share homemade ice cream hacks.
A Cometary Awakening, a Vaccine Mystery, and Brand New Bacteria
Tariq Malik of talks about Philae’s unexpected awakening, and Arielle Duhaime-Ross helps decipher a mystery that has plagued scientists for 50 years.
Engineering Evaporation
Researchers at Columbia University design engines powered by evaporation.
Will Our Smartphones Know Us Better Than Ourselves?
This week Apple revealed an improved Siri comparable to Android’s Google Now.
This Ant Stinks
Two entomologists set out to prove the true scent of the odorous house ant.
Koala Chlamydia, Pluto’s Moons, and Bad Science Search Results
Rachel Feltman of The Washington Post talks about the week in science, and Christina Warren of Mashable joins to talk about science search results gone wrong.
Endangered Sawfish Reproduce Asexually
Female smalltooth sawfish were found to undergo ‘virgin births’ in southern Florida.