As Science Friday’s director of audience, Ariel Zych actively leads the engagement, learning, research, and impact strategies and activities at Science Friday, working to make science exciting, accessible, equitable, and representative to a growing national audience.
Ariel joined Science Friday in 2013 as its inaugural education manager, designing new lessons and experiments, planning teacher trainings, drawing diagrams, and curating collections of SciFri media for libraries and partners. Before that, Ariel was a high school biology, marine science, and environmental science teacher in Washington D.C. In addition to being a classroom teacher, Ariel has created and facilitated informal and formal science programs around the country and has developed curricular materials and experiences for camps, cruises, campuses, zoos, museums, scouts, parents, teachers, and schools.
While completing her master’s degree in entomology at the University of Florida, Ariel once discovered the mechanism of acoustic communication in scentless plant bugs, which was super interesting to her, but not to many other people. Several other memorable scientific pursuits include studying snail gonads, collecting ticks, caring for colonies of social spiders as an undergrad at Cornell, tagging dragonflies, sailing aboard the E/V Nautilus and, more recently, traveling to Antarctica to cover long-term research on the frozen continent.
Ariel constantly misses her home town of Portland, Oregon, and loves traveling the world, eating fun food, family time, and spending time outside.
Join the Science Club: Build an Art Machine
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Build a machine that can make art.
Make an Art Machine
Safely find, build, or hack a machine that makes any kind of art.
Blog: Teaching Digital Design Using New World Studio
Teenage girls learn computational design in a collaborative weeklong workshop at the New York Hall of Science.
Make A Wire Critter That Can Walk On Water
Learn how insects have inspired engineers and design your own water-walking critter using thin wire and your knowledge of surface tension.
Make a Model of a Home Made From Shipping Containers
Watch an interview with a couple who built a home from shipping containers. Then, design and construct a scale model of a unique shipping container home using printed templates, and estimate the cost of flooring and paint based on model dimensions.
Use Clues to Solve an Ice Mystery
Use the physical characteristics of ice to determine where and how several mystery samples could have been frozen.
Test the Finger Wrinkle Hypothesis
Perform an experiment to determine whether smooth or wrinkled fingers are better at holding wet objects. The experiment requires only a water bottle, paperclip, and plastic ruler.
Downloads: Video, student data sheet, illustrated instructions
See the World Through Color-Filtering Lenses
Explore color by creating color-filtering glasses using paper and tinted cellophane.
Glowing in the Dark: Testing Phosphorescence
Learn about phosphorescence and how certain materials can absorb and store energy from a light source. Then discover which type of light gets the brightest glow from a glow-in-the-dark star.
Illuminating Luminescence
Compare and contrast different forms of luminescence by observing how chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, and fluorescence produce or emit light.