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Cephalopod Week Wrap-Up

A wrap of highlights from Cephalopod Week, and a check-in with SciFri education manager Ariel Zych and biologist Chuck Fisher aboard the exploration vessel “Nautilus.”

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June 14, 2024

Happy Cephalopod Week! Squid, octopuses, and cuttlefish use ink to confuse predators and to communicate. But there’s even more to know about inking. Plus, researchers used citizen science observations and machine learning to understand where fireflies are and what they need to thrive. And, psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour helped make “Inside Out 2” more scientifically accurate.

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June 30, 2023

Ira Flatow celebrates Cephalopod Week live in Miami with two scientists who study squids and octopuses. Plus, the endangered Przewalski’s horse and black-footed ferret are the faces of cloning for conservation. Plus, same-sex animal pairings are common in nature. But fungi might be the queerest kingdom of all.

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