Join Our Sea Of Support!

Help us build a Sea of Support for science!

Fill out this donation form to sponsor up to eight cephalopods and help support Science Friday. You can choose from eight cephalopods for $8 a piece. With each $8 donation, you’ll add a new cephalopod to our Sea of Support!

Starting June 18 and all throughout Cephalopod Week, we’ll publish your first name, last initial, and city with your chosen cephalopod(s) to our website. All of your cephalopod choices are below and here’s an example of what it would look like:


four different illustrated cephalopod species, each with a donor's name, a city, and the name of the cephalopod

Cephalopod Choices

four illustrated cephalopods including the giant squid, common octopus, flamboyant cuttlefish, bigfin squidfour illustrated cephalopods, including the nautilus, pyjama squid, argonaut, and the blanket octopus

Illustrations by Franz Anthony