September 15, 2017
Planetary scientists reflect on the 20-year Cassini mission, which made its final fiery dive into Saturn today. Plus, biologists are waiting to assess Hurricane Irma’s damage to Florida’s wildlife.
September 8, 2017
Are we alone in the universe? Famed astronomer and alien hunter Jill Tarter talks about her hunt for extraterrestrial life. Plus, the surprising ingredient that makes modern chicken possible: antibiotics.
September 1, 2017
What does Hurricane Harvey mean for future storms and the cities that may be unprepared for them? Plus, there’s little evidence to support the idea that some people are visual versus auditory learners.
August 25, 2017
Researchers map out what it would take for over 100 countries to switch entirely to renewable energy. Plus, scientists and space fanatics celebrate the Voyager mission’s 40th birthday.
August 18, 2017
Most artificial flavors don’t taste like their real fruit counterparts, but why? The answer lies in both history and chemistry. Plus, researchers question the safety of drugs fast-tracked by the FDA.
August 11, 2017
New clues in the mystery of the moon’s long-snuffed out magnetic field. Plus, how to make spoof-proof fingerprint scanners and facial recognition technology.
August 4, 2017
An exciting breakthrough in human gene editing using CRISPR is tempered by ethical questions. Plus, only three weeks remain before the Great American Eclipse. Are you ready?
July 28, 2017
Testing the physics of this summer’s superhero blockbusters. And we revisit the pseudoscientific ideas of the 1950s, like “Hollow Earthism.”
July 21, 2017
NASA wants to test our ability to deflect asteroids that could come too close to Earth. Plus, the fascinating story of the air we breathe and the gases that have shaped human history.
July 14, 2017
Can the grid get a grip on the influx of solar and wind energy? And a story of death…and some hope…for the world’s coral.