January 18, 2019
The SciFri Book Club tackles earthquakes and human disaster response with N.K. Jemisin’s apocalyptic ‘The Fifth Season.’ And a new play introduces us to the enslaved women whose bodies paved the way for modern gynecology.
January 11, 2019
Did you know a marathon runner’s heart is built differently from a weightlifter’s? We look at how exercise shapes and conditions your heart. Plus, a look at the effect of the partial government shutdown on scientists.
January 4, 2019
We celebrate winter birds and the people who love them. Plus, how does the movement of crowds change when they behave predictably, and when they don’t?
December 28, 2018
We recap the year in science news, from wildfires to space probes to CRISPR. Plus the story of a revolutionary physician, and the next target of the New Horizons space probe.
December 21, 2018
Does double-dipping a chip really infect the dip? Is the five-second rule real? Plus, what the Trump administration’s crack down on fetal cell research means for the field.
December 14, 2018
The James Webb Space Telescope is a decade late and billions of dollars over budget. But astronomers are already setting their sights on its successors. Plus, second-grader Nina Del Bosque wants to know about stinging caterpillars and their role in the ecosystem.
December 7, 2018
Ira and a panel of guests round up their favorite science books from 2018. Plus, with Congress poised to legalize growing hemp, how does a ‘new’ plant become a thriving agricultural product?
November 30, 2018
A new climate report says our warming world will hit all sectors of the U.S. economy, in both ways big and small. Plus, the first CRISPR-edited babies may be here. Now what?
November 23, 2018
We present highlights of head-scratching science from this year’s Ig Nobel Awards ceremony. Plus, from our trip to Tampa, a collection of ways for experiencing the past—from laser mapping, to data in caves.
November 16, 2018
We’re teaming up with Flu Near You to build a real-time map of the rise and fall of flu-like-illness in the U.S. Plus, who deserves the crown for the best echolocation in the animal kingdom?