June 7, 2019
Why should research trials include both male and female lab rats? Plus, a trip to the Onyx River, the site of the longest ongoing climate record in Antarctica.
May 24, 2019
How wild honey bees can teach us better ways to cultivate them. Plus, a playwright explores what kinds of narratives we need to stir action on climate.
May 17, 2019
In the latest chapter of our Degrees of Change series, saltwater intrusion and sea level rise are the new normal for two communities along the east coast. Plus, why do we all scream?
May 10, 2019
A new UN report says human interventions are the cause of a global biodiversity crisis. Plus, a new book looks at the data supporting your parenting practices—or not.
May 3, 2019
What happens if you hook up a real brain to artificial intelligence? Plus, how AT&T teamed up with scientists at Argonne National Laboratory to build a climate map of the U.S.
April 26, 2019
The first episode of the new SciFri series Degrees of Change takes a look at how cities around the world are taming floodwaters, and turning them into freshwater resources. Plus, why scientists have long been drawn to creative takes on science—and why creativity is central to scientific thought.
April 19, 2019
The next generation of wireless is on its way. Experts explain the science behind the new tech, and why some are cautioning a slower rollout. Plus, researchers have discovered a new species of ancient human—but its placement on the human family tree is still up for debate.
April 12, 2019
Event Horizon Telescope scientists break down the first image of supermassive black hole and explore what lies beyond in black hole science. Plus, how astronaut Scott Kelly’s gene expression changed after a year in space.
April 5, 2019
Scientists tap into how trees move gallons of fluids from the ground to the atmosphere every day. Plus, a conversation with climate-focussed presidential candidate Jay Inslee.