How Big Was This Squid?
Learn how to determine the size of a Humboldt squid using a beak left behind in a whale’s stomach in this data-rich math activity.
Make A Secret Marshmallow Message
Use the chemistry of the Maillard reaction to spell out an edible secret marshmallow message as you toast your treat!
Dive Into The Depths With Seals
Use this interactive to explore ocean data collected by Elephant Seals as they swam through the North Pacific Ocean.
Model Eclipses
Model solar and lunar eclipses by making your own physical, proportional representations of the Earth and Moon.
Life Under a Rock: Bacteria in Extreme Environments
Explore the dry, dim world of hypolithic or “under rock” cyanobacteria and measure and compare colony growth in deserts around the world.
What Do Cochlear Implants And Hearing Aids Sound Like?
Learn how hearing aids work, then conduct your own test to determine whether hearing aids can improve speech recognition for cochlear implant users.
Reinventing The Wheel (For Mars)
Design and test different wheels on a basic rubber band-powered vehicle, with the goal of improving stability, traction, durability, and load-bearing ability.
Tessellation And Miura Folds
Make an origami fold that can compress rigid materials, and study the tessellation it creates!
Science Friday Spoonfuls
Classroom-ready doses of current science, technology, and engineering stories.
Make a Kite With Physics
Build a delta kite and explore some of the forces involved in flight. Challenge your design skills to improve your kite’s stability in the air.