All Spun Up: A Look At Properties Of Rotation
Why do hardboiled eggs spin better than raw ones? How can you engineer faster race car wheels? The key is understanding rotational inertia.
Why Are Honeycomb Cells Hexagonal?
Honeybees make the cells of their hives in the shape of hexagons, but why?
Summing Up The Skyscraper Problem
How do you figure out how much it will cost to wash the windows of a building “n” stories high? Try using consecutive sums or the quadratic equation!
Eclipse Party Activities
Spice up your eclipse party with these hands-on activities—and learn a little something about our Sun, Moon, and Earth in the process.
Five Ways To View The Solar Eclipse
No eclipse glasses? No problem. Here are five other ways to safely observe a solar eclipse.
Make 3D Paint With Starch
Experiment with solubility as you create homemade 3D paint with starch.
How Do I Safely View A Solar Eclipse?
Seeing a solar eclipse is an opportunity to be part of one of science’s most exciting phenomena. Are you ready?
Sci Fri Science Club: Freeze Challenge
We challenge you to create something totally new, and totally frozen.
Make Supercool Fruit Pops
Make supercooled water and use it to coat fruit pops in instant ice crystals
How To Capture A Scent
Separate and capture scent molecules by their heat of vaporization.