A New Beak Evolution Lab!
This evolution simulation goes further by modeling reproductive success while giving young engineers an opportunity to flex their skills.
Hack A Solar Circuit
Deconstruct an inexpensive solar circuit, then repurpose it to engineer a foldable, lightweight solar-powered device that solves a real human problem.
How To Be A Vibration Detective
By measuring the ground’s vibrations, you can learn a lot about what is happening both near and far away.
Fibonacci Sequence—A Handy Mathematical Approach For Looking At Evolution!
Get a grip on this great way of exploring the Fibonacci sequence using X-rays from organizations across the country!
Survey Ecosystem Health On A Virtual Coral Reef
How can you help one of earth’s most endangered ecosystems?
Design For Disaster Relief
Engineer disaster relief housing that is lightweight, packs flat, and structurally sound.
The 2018 Science Friday Educator Collaborative
This year’s cohort are creating cephalopod skin, measuring x-rays, and more for the classroom.
Cephalopod Camouflage: A Beauty That’s Skin Deep
It’s a rock, it’s seaweed, it’s an…octopus? Using this hands on activity, learn how crafty cephalopods are well adapted to hide in an ocean full of predators.
How Do ‘Killer Snails’ Kill Their Victims?
Model the hunting adaptations and a rich peptide venom cocktail of predatory cone snails in this exploration of the organism’s structure and function.
Hacer pintura de relieve (3D) con almidón
Algo gracioso sucede cuando se agrega almidón de maíz a un líquido y se calienta la mezcla: se vuelve muy, muy espesa, o viscosa.