How Many Licks? Controlling Lollipop Licker Variation
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Navigate the perils of licker variation by designing your own lollipop-licking experiment.
Jet-setting Cephalopods
Can you engineer a jet propulsion system that mimics the speed of a squid?
Dissect a Silkworm Cocoon
Learn about the insect origins of silk by dissecting a cocoon and “degumming” it to reveal the protein that scientists use for constructing new materials.
Solar Convection
Use hot and cold water to see how fluids at different temperatures move around in convection currents in this DIY Sun Science Activity from Lawrence Hall of Science.
Spot the Sunspots
Use binoculars or a telescope to identify and track sunspots. You’ll need a bright sunny day for this DIY Sun Science Activity from Lawrence Hall of Science.
What does the Sun do? Tell us, using the hashtag
Build an Earthquake Machine
In this activity from IRIS, students explore a mechanical model of a fault to learn how energy is stored elastically in rocks and released suddenly as an earthquake.
Science Friday Discussion: Negotiating the Challenges of Teaching Evolution
Learn from experienced educators how to teach evolution in communities where evolution is controversial and browse classroom evolution resources.
Can You Explain The Sun?
For this science club, we want you to explain something to us, something BIG!
How Can We Clean Up an Oil Spill?
In this activity from the American Association of Chemistry Teachers, students simulate an oil spill and test different materials’ abilities to “clean” the oil spill.